Initiativkreis Albert-Einstein-Haus Caputh e.V.


The founding members of the association are Prof. Dr. Günther Hasinger, Dietmar Strauch, Carmen Hohlfeld, Dr. Peter Ackermann, Wiebke Franck (see picture - from bottom right to left)
Source: anemel, Berlin
The "Initiativkreis Albert-Einstein-Haus" was founded by 5 Caputh residents in 1999. At that stage, the Einstein House was in extremely bad repair, and there seemed to be no end in sight in the complex process of restitution of the property. The public was made aware of the situation by means of various events such as exhibitions and presentations until finally, in 2005, the house was renovated during the "Einsteinjahr" (the Einstein year).

In 2006 the "Initiativkreis" was registered as an independent association with the goal of bringing interested people and institutions together to preserve the intellectual heritage of Albert Einstein and Konrad Wachsmann and to raise awareness for the history of the Einstein House in Caputh.

The exhibition in Caputh is designed as an information centre with themes of scientific, architectural and historical interest through presentations, events and publications.

Honorary patron of the exhibition:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Rolf Emmermann,
founding director of the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
Honorary chairman of the "Initiativkreis":
Max-Planck-Institute for gravitational physics / Albert-Einstein-Institute Potsdam-Golm